Album Art with OBS

Add a new Browser source to the scene and call it whatever you like, I chose “Now Playing Artwork“.

Copy the browser URL that is provided located at the bottom of the app. (It usually says http://localhost:9000 but the number might be different on your computer.)

Under "sources", click the (+) plus button, then select "Browser" to create a new browser source.

Enter the following:

URL: http://localhost:9000/artwork (Remember, the port number 9000 might be different for you. See the very beginning of this tutorial.)
Width: 500
Height: 500
(Leave the other options as default)

How Album Artwork Is Found

Now Playing 2 will  use the artwork in your music file located on your hard drive.

If you are using ProDJ-Link (CDJs) or Denon DJ (like Prime 4) and your music is loaded from a USB stick or SD card in the hardware then it will use the artwork found on that device.

If your track is streaming from Beatport Link then it will get the artwork directly from Beatport.

If your track does not have album art Now Playing 2 will search Discogs for the artist and title of the song.

If Now Playing 2 can't find album art at all then it will show you the default album art. You can change it to your own default album art in settings.